Wildflowers of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island

Revised and Expanded Edition

by Mary Primrose and Marian Munro

For anyone who has ever driven a Maritime highway and marveled at the cover of wildflowers along an embankment, or happened on a meadow filled with flowers, this book will provide hours of happy discovery.
A stunning pictorial guide to the wildflowers of Maritime Canada.
For anyone who has ever driven a Maritime highway and marveled at the cover of wildflowers along an embankment, or happened on a meadow filled with flowers, this book will provide hours of happy discovery.
In this wildflower collection, photographer Mary Primrose offers up a vivid display of nature at its finest. For many years, she explored Maritime woodlands, shores and meadows, intent on discovering the first blooms of spring that bid farewell to winter. Among the many common and rare plants featured are Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema stewardsonii), Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) and Sea-lavender (Limonium carolinianum).
The accompanying text by Marian Munro provides details to help identify and locate each plant featured in the collection.

About the Authors

Mary Primrose

MARY PRIMROSE was first an amateur photographer, and then worked as a photographer for the Biology Department of Dalhousie University.

Marian Munro

MARIAN MUNRO is a scientist on the staff of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History.


"...filled with glorious photos as well as informative and entertaining text to accompany each plant's photograph."

"...an excellent reference guide."

Jodi Delong, The Chronicle Herald

Subjects (BISAC)


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