Showing all 5 results
Les édifices de la démocratie
Trois bâtiments patrimoniaux connus les édifices législatifs des trois provinces Maritimes , de belles photographies couleur, et un texte dont les contextes architectural et historique se complètent.$24.95, PaperbackBuilding for Democracy
Three landmark heritage buildings the legislatures of the three Maritime provinces illustrated with beautiful colour photographs, and a text that combines architectural background with historical context$24.95, PaperbackInside Island Heritage Homes
Full-colour photographs and descriptions of 50 beautiful Prince Edward Island heritage home interiors.
$34.95, PaperbackHeritage Houses of Prince Edward Island
Full-colour photographs of stunning homes with a description of the leading architectural styles found on Prince Edward Island.$34.95, PaperbackHouses of Nova Scotia
From grand mansions to mobile homes, Houses of Nova Scotia offers an unparalleled understanding of the province's built heritage.$12.95, PaperbackScroll to Top