Gabriel Praed’s Castle

by Alice Jones

introduction by Mora Dianne O'Neill

A fictional portrayal of Canadians in the Paris art scene of the 1890s.

A newly-minted millionaire from the gold fields of British Columbia takes his daughter to Paris for an immersion course in Old-World culture. Gabriel Praed's Castle depicts the scene in Paris at the end of the 19th century, with models, designers, painters, and unscrupulous art dealers. Julia and her father make friends with young North American artists vying for success, sales, and acceptance into the Salon exhibitions.

Alice Jones's novel portrays a clash between Canadian innocence and old-world corruption, and explores the role of the "new woman" in a changing society. Against a backdrop of fraud and exploitation acted out on the fashionable streets of Paris and the idyllic paths of Brittany, Julia Praed, the gold-miner's daughter, and Andrew Garvie, an American artist in Paris, join together to unravel the schemes and protect friends and family.

About the Authors

Born in 1853, ALICE JONES, daughter of a prominent Halifax family, began her writing career with magazine articles and short stories while her father was lieutenant governor of the province. The success of her first novel and her second two years later launched her career as a leading Canadian writer of international bestsellers at the turn of the 20th century.
MORA DIANNE O'NEILL is curator of historical prints and drawings at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. She has presented exhibitions at the gallery focusing on individual artists, such as William Eagar, Robert Petley, Alan Syliboy, and on themes, most notably a show titled "At the Great Harbour: 250 Years on the Halifax Waterfront." She has written many catalogues and articles on Canadian artists.

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